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FY 2022 Grants


$100,000  |  Carter Burden Network

Senior Bridge Phase II

This grant will enhance Senior Bridge to connect participants to additional wraparound services including case management, and occupational therapy through Columbia University.



$150,000  |  Encore Community Services

Encore Community Corps

This grant will establish a trained team of volunteers to reach out to isolated older adults and connect them to services that will improve their quality of life.



$180,000  |  George Washington University

An Innovative Collaborative of the Rogosin Institute and the Coalition for Supportive Care of Kidney Patients to Improve Palliative Care for Patients with Kidney Disease

This grant will support a training program to enhance the primary palliative care skills of physicians, nurses, and social workers at 11 Rogosin Institute dialysis centers in NYC.



$85,000  |  Health Advocates for Older People

Expansion of the Home Safety and Fall Prevention Program

This grant will increase the number of home assessments and ensure the installation of needed home safety equipment, helping older adults age-in-place in the community.



$192,551  |  Healthcare Educational & Research Fund, Inc. (HERF / HANYS)

Age-Friendly Health Systems: New York State Action Community Phase 2

This grant will help to scale and expand the New York State Age-Friendly movement to include a broader range of stakeholders and activities.



$170,000  |  Jewish Board of Family and Children's Services, Inc.

Supportive Housing Healthy Aging Program Start-up and Demonstration Project

This program will include adding an older adult clinical social worker to provide staff training, education, partnership development, and direct social work services to older adult residents.



$146,000  |  Lifetime Arts

Connecting Through Creative Aging - BPL 2.0

This project will strengthen Brooklyn Public Library’s creative aging program and sustainability efforts through coaching sessions for library and administrative staff.



$200,000  |  Maimonides Medical Center

Caring for Chronically Critically Ill Patients Through an Interdisciplinary Advanced Illness Management (AIM) Program

This grant will support the AIM pilot program, which will improve patient outcomes and quality of life by identifying patients’ goals and aligning these with treatment earlier in their course of illness.



$150,000  |  Medicare Rights Center (MRC)

Counseling and Enrollment for New York City Residents Dually Eligible for Medicare and Medicaid

MRC will strengthen its ability to serve New Yorkers who are dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid.



$178,000  |  Montefiore Medical Center

Addressing Unmet Geriatric Mental Treatment Needs of Patients and Their Families by Transcending Regulatory and Access Barriers

This grant will support the expansion of a program that will improve access to care, reduce wait-times, and address the mental health needs of older adults with dementia.



$200,000  |  Northwell Health Foundation

Addressing the Unmet Need for Skilled Geriatric Outpatient Services

This grant will support a full-time embedded Geriatrician in Lenox Hill's outpatient residency practice.



$75,000  |  Riverstone Senior Life Services

Health Home Personnel Start-Up Funds

This grant will fund an additional social worker to provide intensive case management services to improve the quality of life and reduce their repeated hospitalizations and/or emergency department visits for older adults.



$90,000  |  Search and Care

Bolstering Care for Vulnerable Homebound Older Adults on the Upper West Side

Search and Care recently replicated their Upper East Side Care Management model on the UWS; this grant will fund a second care manager to expand this effort.



$90,000  |  Selfhelp Community Services, Inc.

Emotional Wellness: Addressing the Collective Trauma of COVID-19 in Senior Affordable Housing Residents and Staff

The grant will increase the capacity to provide emotional wellness services to staff and older adults in affordable housing buildings.



$86,000  |  Service Program for Older People (SPOP)

Training to Address Compassion Fatigue and Burnout Among Those Working with Older Adults

The project will provide training to front-line staff in self-care to address secondary trauma and compassion fatigue associated with their work with high-need and vulnerable older adults.



$150,000  |  Stanley M Isaacs Neighborhood Center

Community Telehealth Demonstration Project

This grant will be used to pilot a project to connect low-income older adults in NYCHA housing in East Harlem and Yorkville to telehealth services offered by Metropolitan Hospital.



$150,000  |  Volunteers of Legal Service, Inc.

VOLS Extensión Comunitaria para Adultos Mayores

This grant will support a full-time bilingual staff attorney  to lead the VOLS Extensión Comunitaria para Adultos Mayores and increase service to low-income Latinx and Spanish-speaking seniors in New York City.



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